Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Silly old fart!

I stayed at this swanky resort called Sanctuary Cove Resort where the upper crust go to play. On arrival this codger opened the door and waited some time before I was to go into the building. As I was walking threw I says keeping the door open and you are letting the mosquitoes in. Then came the words of wisdom from my son "Silly old fart he gets paid to open the door". Now if I was to have been paid for every time I opened the door for a lady or not so lady I would have owned this plush palace.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rabbit proof fence also known as wild dog fence

What is beauty in death?

Rabbit proof fence

This fence stretches across Australia and stops the rabbits going north from the fence. Rabbits do a huge amount of damage to the environment here in Australia. There was a movie called the "rabbit proof fence. " Below is a photo of the fence up in the mountains west of Brisbane.

I followed it for a bit the other day but was stopped by a tree and wet ground. There was some amazing scenery in this area. There was a Mountain Larry that had fallen from its nest at Queen Mary Falls and I checked it out. It had words with me and we came to an agreement, I wouldn't put my fingers in its beak and it would bite me.  It was placed in a basket and put out at feeding time at a kiosk.
About a dozen birds of the same species flew down and helped the baby bird from the ground and it flew some hundred meters to safety of its family. Note the tree to the left of the sign it has a jumper on for winter now these are real greenies.
Want to see more let me know.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

mental issues

As a child I was treated pretty well. On one occasion I was caught being unruly by a police officer and was kicked in the bum. This not only hurt it left a mental scar on my psyche. To this day I remember that kick and will take the memory to my grave.
Yes I have been psychologically damaged for life, This mental illness I have is called for want of a better word  RESPECT 
I know that a lot of the current generation will never have this illness and I wonder why?
Can a member of juvenile justice in Australia comment on as to why this is so.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Why do I write a blog

Why do I write a blog?
The answer is simple!
Because I can.
Why do you read this blog?
Again the answer is simple
You are not satisfied with main stream media.
Then the other answer is simple.
Because you can unlike other countries in the world you can't..

Below is the stats of this blog and this proves the why. My social life has about four people in it, I do not know 135 people! But you know me, thanks guys for reading.

United States
United Kingdom
South Korea

Why the war on terrorism is failing.

The game that is played by the big boys of the world is failing.
It is because of this question!
Is there social and economic out casts and the answer is yes and this is the problem.
I went to a dance the other night, I loved dancing but I will never go again. Why?
The tables were set up in a social and economic order and the ones at my table were the same as me.
Socially not right.
Not by there standards, we at my table were the winners of life and the games that play.
I was being judged and I did not like it.
I thus have drawn back into the silence of solitude and the wonders of life.
Others might think I will get those bastards and with draw into a life of bomb making.
Yes my computer might crash because of key words and key strokes but this is the truth. I might also add that by reading this you also may become a target of the war on terrorism by the powers that be.
Will we ever learn?
Such is life.

Love thy enemy as it says in the bible.

My aboriginal mate told me about money and how it works and it is easy. If on your death bed and you can make a last will and testomy leaving all your money and goods down to your underpants to your worst enemy and then tell your family, all of them. Now this person you left the money will never have any joy from this great gesture of yours as he will definitely looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Watching and waiting for the next attack from your loved ones. This will continue till the day he dies.

Now that's having the last laugh and he wont be able to get back at you Ever.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tired of rubbish

 I got up this morning and made this from scrap The yellow one is one of those pieces of stuff you do not write about with its flat tyres and falling apart at the seams..

Friday, November 29, 2013

Why are Austrilians buying America

The USA is for sale and Americans are not stepping up to the plate.
If you live anywhere in the world the land in some states of the USA is at levels with great returns. Texas is the state to look at if you are interested.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Town planning and building departments

We look to our civic leaders for direction and support.
They put the laws and bi laws in place to protect us from harm and ourselves.
Well what have been the results.

This is just one and shows the problem dramatically and we accept this as the normal or you may like this.

This could be any city in the world after severe storms.
If Sydney Australia was hit with a severe weather system the results would be the same.
The housing industry needs  to be looked world wide with the structures they build being able to stand up to severe winds and rain.
Now we come to planning and development for our new buildings we build the same after fire or flood.
Building for such events is easy and it needs a change in the process.
 In Wollongong (the city of innervation) my proposals were knocked back because they were too radicle.  Yes radicle steel minute frame and concrete partially underground.
In severe weather our homes do not stand a chance.
Our civic leaders have failed us and so have our governments.
The scene above will happen again as we found our in Nowra a year ago but we were lucky when a hurricane hit but it missed the suburbs. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Recycle should we.

Lets be honest with our selves!
What are you prepared to recycle?
This image used in its various forms is used a lot, Note that its a wheel and it goes arround and the more it goes arround the better it is.
Lets think, what do I not want to recycle?
 Cancer dirty air pollutants yet these to are to name a few are going to be recycled weather we like it or not.
Lets put it another form in the following case in black and white.
Same logo same stuff to recycle.
Yet we do not recycle love with a catchy symbol it is more like war with the never ending death that follows. War zones are recycled especially if the is oil involved.

Even the oil companies know where the stuff ends up and they tell you in a supple way in the oceans!
I think this one come from Better Petrol (BP)
Here is one for you how are we going to recycle the space junk?

Food for thought

No thanks but the conditions are changing.

These are not my logos they are someone else's work the story's mine.
And yours.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Carbon and carbon tax

Humans are responsible for the carbon in the atmosphere but not by the way politicians and most people are lead to believe and think. They used to think the world was flat and some still do.
Deforestation and desertification are the trouble, Yes the worlds deserts are growing at an alarming rate.
Its not the animals they have been there for years in large herds like the American buffalo and thrived.
Then what is the problem well its small herds in small paddocks and the ground does not recover.
More carbon is released to the atmosphere every year by this means than any other.
Clear felling trees is a crime against humanity so is small paddocks and large herds in these paddocks.
I see where herds of sheep are in large paddocks feeding off the stubble after harvest with no shade.

If I were to leave my dog in the back yard with out shelter I would be fined and may be even locked up. The question is why is it different for sheep. To debunk popular belief sheep do not have a brain and they are intelligent. If they get out of a paddock they don't go back and tell the others they go in and out of the paddock for days even weeks. They know if they all go out then the hole in the fence will be fixed and none of them will get the good grass.

So lets have some serious discussions on carbon and carbon taxes and not let the politicians get away with another tax to pay more increases in government regulations and bureaucracy.

Found on the beach

This thing is four foot high and four foot diameter. Not bad for a days picking.

mal web

 Mal was at the kangaroo valley folk festival

Monday, October 28, 2013

First trip with the gypsy wagon

 This was taken at the kangaroo valley folk festival
 This is the hampton bridge in the valley
 Solar lighs work a treat at night.

 This shows the shadow from one of the solar lights on the roof it looks like a kookaburra just before an attack.
Yes we do have gypsy caravans in Australia the red one is forty years old.

Some times

 These photos are from a wave driven power station which was destroyed by the sea just after being set up. Some times just some times things don't work. This was the first to be made in Australia. The containers on the deck are 20 footers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Fire season again

It is amazing that after the last years fires people want to build the same type and use the same materials to rebuild there houses . Bloody idiots. Build underground or with concrete now if you dont take this advise put 6ft high steel fences around your MC Mansion and these will at least slow the fire storm and redirect the heat away. Then grow only grass behind and cut it two inches tall. The fence must go all the way to the ground to stop the fire burning under. Install a water tank and pump and sprinklers and use this to wet the area behind the fence and the fence, Then just as the fire arrives start the pump.
Get rid of the gutters to catch the leaves and rain water and catch the water on the dished foot paths that will surround the building and deposit the water in underground water tanks.
Simple isn't it.

• Clean out the gutters
• Cut long grass
• Trim low trees and bushes around the house
• Be aware of water sources
• Move winter wood supplies away from the house
• Check through your fire plan
• Identify a safe place to shelter if you are caught in a fire (this could be a neighbour’s house)
• Talk to your neighbours about their plans.
I can bet you no one takes this advise.
There is another solution build on a trailer and take the house away from the fire.

Make sure you take photos of your house before the fire arrives as the insurance company might decline your claim because you never had a house there before the fires. Take photos every six months for proof of condition and put them on the internet in an email to yourself. Yes I know as I was caught like this.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Some days are diamonds ( sounds like a song)

I am so lucky to have friends and family as these things are the true diamonds of life.
If I were to tell of the failures in life there would be a book not just any book but an encyclopedia of the failures.
I am talking of the ones of my making the experiments that went wrong.
Why do I mention such things well its the way that Abraham Lincoln did such things with the many failures and the paying back of debt that he had when he went bankrupt. What a story.
I have been playing too conservatively to loose and this stunts my own growth and many of my readers growth. (Keep reading I like you there.)
My mate had a opal mine at the Ridge and got rid of it, just recently and a million dollar opal was found. The question is was it from his undug mine that he sold.  Now that would be a loss hard to bear.
Life goes on.
Are you still there or have you just found your diamond?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I like this boat

I have started building this in a small scale as I have had the plans for many years now. I was given a sail board and have removed the plastic skin and have a foam core to shape the model from. The model will be 16.5" long with a beam of 4". I have an electric motor from a robot vacuum cleaner and its batteries for the drive system. The propeller will be a three blade job 1" diameter.

Monday, September 16, 2013

For the young generally

If you can read and write and can do maths and go to school and you don't like school.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

You didnt know!

At school I was unable to read or do mathamatics, because of dyslexia. I did not know I had a problem.
I just could not read.
When doing maths I would for example write 2+2= 4. not like this but like this 2+4=2 and wondered why I got lousy marks. I was flogged by the teacher for being insulant on many occasions I was to become a loner and would avoid people and was shy as a result.
I am observant and even this year I notice the bush fires are slippery as for a better word because the oil content in the material is at it's best for burning with black smoke and a different smell.
I never in my whole school time read a book and had a "Tale of two cities" for my school certificate English test. I was lucky the movie came out on TV just before the exam.
I did over half a year read half of a book called Robin hood and to this day have never finished the book.
I had a good memory for what I wanted to do.
I did engineering and worked in this field all my life in one form or another.
Then just before computers came on the scene I had an accident and lost short term memory, this was devastating as I had to do things with long term memory.
I drove trucks and was able to get on with my life.
Ask me to fill out a prearranged form and I am stuffed as I try to preempt the questions and get it all wrong, I look like a complete idiot.
Then came computers with Text aloud and a moving curser what a relief. My first ever book was
Rex Roberts Engineered house.  It was a classic and one I would recommend to anyone.
I have been lucky in my working life as I took on extremely dangerous jobs and was successful at them. Diving was one that I didn't master as I could not grasp the concepts of dive time and decompression but learnt first hand what happens when I got it wrong.
I was finally laid off work after the accident in the coal mine then having to fill out forms and screwing that up and not turning up for the employment company's time as I was working and was no good with phones. I was finally breached and had my money taken from me and was close to bankruptsy and was placed on a pension and put out to pasture.
My marriage crashed and I had to bring up my youngest son alone.
But you know I am happy now wheeling and dealing with real money making a small amount just to keep my mind happy.
I did buy two shops and two houses and lost most of the value to floods in two years. I am still so lucky with my lot in life and would have it no other way.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Some time ago I wrote about climate change and space junk.

Here is another one for you to ponder.

Gravity changes on a daily basis and is not constant as some scientists would have you think and believe.

Gravity does change and the proof is in the oceans and the tides. If gravity was constant then there would be no tides.  Then there is the super tides when the planets align.

Some will say that the earths gravity has to be the same and this would be the case if it were only the earth but this isn't, so there is planets and the moon reacting with the earth all the time. It can not be any other way.

One thing we can be certain of is there will be change. This goes for all things including light and its speed!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Seen in court

I was in attendance at the most bazaar hearing I have ever seen. It was an apprehended violence order (AVO) bought about by the police attending a domestic situation.
The lady knocked a cup of coffee out of her partners hand intentionally ( this being an act of assault ) and the partner in a split second clouted her doing no physical damage. The Partner ran his own case to defend himself.
He was so polite as was his partner saying thank you to all his questions. In questioning the person in need of protection. The lady also was extremely polite.
The hearing lasted a day and the defendant was charged and the AVO was granted and he asked for a section10 which the court allowed which has no recording or costs.
Then the most surprising thing happened he thanked the magistrate for being fair and reasonable.
It did not end there he also approached the police prosecutor who was prosecuting him and thanked him and shook his hand, also for doing his job with out favor and with such vigor.
This is a definitely true story. Professor Iggle 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Carbon and carbon taxes

Many years ago the world leaders reckoned the earth was flat.
Today the world leaders reckon there is more carbon than there was in the days of Jesus.
So the existence of a carbon tax.
As we all know history repeats its self and the world leaders were proved wrong that the earth is not flat.
The world leaders have got it wrong again there is the same amount of carbon on the planet as there was when Jesus was a boy so why the carbon tax?

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Talking to a brick wall

I had the insurance assessor out this week and got all the paperwork finalized I thought. This was after putting in a police report for the the goods that they took five months ago. Then came the phone calls from companies wanting to know what type capacity and the like. I spent a day doing just that going threw what type and pricing using the internet and all I had to do was sit back and get my claim done, not on your Nelly. Just like talking to a brick wall except that the brick wall would have more good things to say. All I can say is PHUCKet.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

I have been a critic of lots of things

I have changed my thoughts and will not comment on world news or crimes. This is a loosing battle and I give it over to others who have more experiences than I do.
I am now going to spread the news of love and health for all. Good food and making things of use, are now the way of my future.
I got lost in the bitterness of life. So now things change.  Cheers Iggle

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Who aided and abetted the murder of Jill Meagher. Who let the evil person out to rape and murder. It must not happen again. Charges must be laid against the person who signed the release papers as they aided and abetted in the murder and rape..Charges must be laid.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

magnetic house

I built this room on my house out of steel. It has gone magnetic with the pull of a very strong magnet. I think I hit the sweet spot and am wondering how I can capitalize on it. It has a 240volt led light in it and when it is switched off it glows brightly on for some time.It has never been hit with lightening like the verandah in Gundagai and has more steel in it. When I get time I will make a video of it s magnetic pull. The construction is all welded.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Spreading the word

It is not about religion it is about power and who has it. What we see today is similar to what Hitler did in the days before the war. Idiots with nothing getting attention for what ever they do and also getting a proverbial high from it. It is happening all round the world in more increasing numbers.
Yet small cars boats get little viewing in the media and are more rewarding than blowing something up, Well maybe not as I have done explosives in the past and it feels good to destroy something and get paid for it. People get a high from doing evil and evil needs to be delt with evil. For the crimes we see today need the death sentence to be introduced world wide, and the radicals may do it.  Maybe this could be a good thing as if we were all black or white and of the same religion then what would we fight and kill over then.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Global warming

On Q and A on ABC TV tonight Bill McKibben - American Environmentalist sad that there is 5% more water in the atmosphere than there was years ago. May be but there is 100% more metal in the stratosphere than there was years ago put there by the American's and Russians. This has nothing to do with global warming. Madness may be.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

No one left for the straight guys

Same sex marriage is in the headlines in Australia.
Then I read in a posting from America:-
A group of mostly Protestant and evangelical church leaders, representing churches with over 20 million members, are asking the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) National Council meeting this week to retain the current BSA stance on sexuality. The May 22-24 meeting will consider a proposal to prohibit “discrimination” based on “sexual orientation or preference,” while leaving in place the current prohibition on openly homosexual Scout leaders.
Back in my grandfathers day women were made to ride a horse side saddle as this could be make a woman to go off so to speak. Rules were usually made for a reason in those days. Can I marry my horse they might ask? Then there is female circumcision in some countries why? Because  there is not much to do and sexual activity had to be curbed and this was the way to do it. These things were done back in the times of Jesus and they didn't know any other way.
Then what will they ask  to marry next? 
 Is there is no one left for the straight guy.
Food for thought!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

One working parent

Having two working parents was to get the TOYS for the family. Now it is a must to have both working to get buy. Reduce the debt and the insurances be it life or house one car as the wife can then do the child care from home, this is the way to make ends meet.
Equal rights for women what a load of bullshit, I like my women to be women, Dainty not a brickies laborer with foul mouth or a high flying executive with no feelings.
Women have lost there way and what they want.
It was great to come home to a home cooked dinner at the table, Now its fast food in front of the TV set watching repeats of American bullshit from the sixty's.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Building with timber

Have you ever sat and watched an open fire burn. Then you place another piece of 4x2 on the fire. watch where the fire starts at the corners and then the wood is slowly consumed. Taking advantage of this if the timber was round as in the raw so to speak it takes longer for the timber to start to burn. Why ? There is no hot spot on the round to start to burn as there is with milled square timber. The milled timber also has the saw cuts that produce corners for hot spots to form. In comparison the round with bark fully removed is smooth and there is no areas of hot spots to start to burn. If houses were built with this in mind there would be less tendency for them to burn down. Trees in the wild resist fast moving fires and if  the fire gets inside them the heat generated is reflected to the near by surfaces which then speeds up the process.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

De bunking the mith

Reducing overheads and De bunking the mith.

For those of you who are not business minded this is getting rid of unneeded bills.  Insurance is on of those bills and a large one at that, followed by water rates and electricity bills. I am talking from the position of being single so it is easier.
What does one really need to live in relative comfit.
Some where to keep dry and safe
some where to keep NEEDED items
Some where to cook a basic meal
some where to keep clean
Some where to relax
As you can see the list is not massive.
My mate has a place at Lightening Ridge and the temperatures rise and fall massively.
He had two sheds made from steel, with wooden floors from one of my demolition sites. The sheds were clad with roller doors and the frames from bed frames. Total cost in the hundreds, then there was two water tanks of one thousand liters each.
On one occasion we went for a walk during the day and got one hundred yards away and were forced to return to the safety and comfit of the sheds.
This was a halleluiah moment for me and  one I am sharing here with you.
The other halleluiah moment has been dealing with an insurance company and realizing my mistake carried over forty years.
Concrete and steel and aluminum windows are high in embodied energy they say.
Lets debunk this mith, wooden house insurance for forty years the cost to the environment to pay for this insurance in fuel to go to work child care wear and tare on the car, the insurance on the car all paid for in environmental dollars.
Concrete house with aluminum windows with steel reinforcing. Paid for once no painting and maintenance, fire proof water proof wind proof no insurance resistant to vandals it just won't go away.
We have not yet seen fully engineered houses made from light weight concrete. Rubbish can be imbedded into concrete along with paper polystyrene plastic. If you then cover the whole thing with dirt the energy consumption of the house goes down.
You will never see this type of building become the normal as the vested interests of the building industry and insurance companies will stop there construction.
What do the rich people live in?  Concrete! What are government buildings made from? Concrete!
What are the insurance company buildings made from? Concrete!What are malls and shops made of concrete!
Concrete houses are cheaper in the long run by far in environmental dollars, you will not need the child care and the working wife to live. Living is not going to work every day of your life leaving your unpaid insured house alone for who ever, who maybe wants and takes its contents.
You have a life to pursue happiness that's your constitutional right if you live in U.S.of A.
Look during the second world war there was a bomber that smashed into the Empire State Building and it never came down, Why? No explosives and you guessed it Concrete!

Not to worry

I see where the Cypress people have had all there money stolen by the banks to prop up a failing system. After losing everything to flood and then having the insurance company take all my tools in the name of replacing and repairing them in two weeks and returning them. I have given up on this ever happening. This is what I call legal thievery and will be more common in the years to come.

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Affirmations are things we ask for and ingrain into our brain.
I have one "everybody loves me everybody gives me money and good things in abundance"
Yes it works and maybe too good.
I was sitting in my lounge chair watching a bit of TV when I noticed some movement at my front fence. I stood up and this 12 year old aboriginal kid flung a fifty cent piece straight into the front window and smashing it and I was showered with fine glass shards the cooko' clock fell off the wall and smashed into pieces.
Be careful what you ask for as you might receive it in a way that you might not like.

Lets all contribute to our new country

Refugees coming to Australia could be made welcome if they did two things.
1/ Contribute a kidney to the commonwealth for kidney transplants.
2/ They go on the doner registry to donate all there body parts when they die or are killed in an accident.
I having worked all my life and have paid taxes and ended up with a broken body feel that these people could contribute to the system that they are going to benefit from.