Monday, January 30, 2012

new site with photos

My sites have been attacked and it has made posting near impossible and so the decision has been made to abandon this site. Photos are impossible. Please go to cherers Stewart

New site with Photos
I have had to abandon this site as problems are arrising faster than I can keep up with them. Please go to the above site. Cheers


When Google gets enough hits on advertising to have to pay you. They shut down your site and then dont allow you access to publishing, even tried to call them and they hung up. Great work Google.

washing machines

I left the water in the twin tub machine to show you what is left in the tub on a automatic machine after a wash. There was only sheets and pillow cases in this wash. Some would say that I'm a dirty bastard, that's your choice to judge and criticize. But I put forward the facts and if the washing machine companies  don't like it that is there problem. Its about time they made a good machine that washes clothes and leaves no residue. They can engineer a machine to do this but there old machinery will be useless. Don't know how to design a machine to leave no residue? Ask me.

I made a duck

I made a duck

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Electric Jugs

I have just read the reviews for many electric jugs. In my opinion all are substandard at retaining the heat in the water.
The amount of power used can be halved if they insulated the jug. This would make them quieter as well.
The standards set by the reviewers is below standard, That is the amount of electricity to boil one liter of water is always going to be the same what differs is the amount of heat lost during and after the process.
As it stands now stainless steel is out as the amount of heat lost is unacceptable to the point of being dangerous to touch them. Plastic is much more efficient but they all could do much better.
We as consumers need to expect and set higher standards for all goods.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Respect and denial

Some years ago I was invited to a white man's corroboree on a borra ring in Gundagai which I promptly refused. On the day this was to happen I left town and headed for Holbrook some hundred miles to the south all the time the hairs were standing on my back. Shivers invaded my body even though it was warm. I stayed there til dusk and slowly made my way back.
That would be like me going into the catholic church and having a corroboree stamping the floor til the dust rose.
When the sun fell from the horizon the skies above Gundagai lit up like the devils Calderon, Feeling some sort of nervousness which I can not explain even to this day, I was stopped in my tracks so to speak and had to stop the car. Watching from a distance of fifty miles to the south of town I waited til late into the night.  Before the lights dissipated. This was long after the sun had gone and the stars were shining on a cool crisp night. The following day I found my dog dead having been hit with a car I forgot to take him with me. Another dog replaced him and was killed on the exact same spot.
Now this was before I found about my aboriginal heritage, even things from early in my life now start to make sense.
As a child of about four I was playing with deadly brown snake babies with my gentle touch I had no fear. Then there was the time when a wild stallion came to the house yard trying to take the mares. He bolted into the home paddock and stopped inches from me and rared up swinging his hooves about me.
My uncle who was a fantastic horseman could not move the stallion from over me and was so afraid I would have been trampled by this giant of a horse.
Then I am told about what happens to white child who was borne to a black family , they were promptly adopted out.  I was darker than my siblings and was called the black sheep of the family to my face., Also I was told that I had to live up to my surname shit my name was my name. I had to live up to myself, The impossible and ridiculous goals I had set for me.
Since the parting of my parents I have got one phone call in ten years from my siblings, and this was to tell me to ring my adopted cousin as my aunt had died.
Respect and denial has been a part of my life for many years.
This from the "positive one" another name I was called.
I guess that I have now been enlightened and will never look back.